Monday, 4 March 2013

What does Sophie keep in her kitchen cupboards?

Today, it is my pleasure to welcome back Nicky Wells 'On Tour' with the second book in her Rock Star Romance Trilogy, Sophie's Run! Read on for the blurb, my review, a peek into Sophie's kitchen and a fabulous double giveaway...

Sophie’s Run

Her famous star remains her rock while life takes her on a little detour…

Who says that the road towards true love is straight and even? Sophie is certainly discovering that it is anything but.

So she has finally found the man of her dreams! Well… she knows who he is, even though she hasn’t actually quite met him yet. But she misses her opportunity, and then her life goes crazy. Rock star and ex-fiancé, Dan, keeps getting in the way of her new romance—even if he is just trying to be helpful. A fire, an impromptu mini-trip with Dan, and a dreaded wedding later, Sophie is still struggling to meet the love of her life. Then, just as she is getting it together with her perfect man, best friend Rachel commits an act of unspeakable betrayal.

Sophie has had enough. Confused and distraught, she decides that it is time for radical change. Surprising herself and shocking her friends, she embarks on a secret journey and eventually gets her life back on track.

Sophie’s Run is now available in Kindle edition from and, and in Paperback edition from Amazon.comand You can also get the paperback at Barnes & Noble, or download Sophie’s Run onto your Nook (coming soon).

My review....

I've always found it really interesting when a sequel is launched following a debut novel that you've really enjoyed. It makes me ask whether the book lived up to the first.

OMG - in this case it so did! And more!

I got so lost in this delightful, delicious story, that I had to keep telling myself that I wasn't Sophie! I love Nicky Wells' writing style, she is so natural, and so funny as well as warm, romantic and adorable and you are kept guessing about what is going to happen right until the very end.

If the third one in the series was ready, I would have picked it up straight away and devoured that one too! What will I do when this series finishes? I have no idea! But I hope that Mrs Wells has a number of novels up her sleeve to keep me entertained for years to come.
5 Stars!

And now it's over to Sophie, who says: "Come into mykitchen…."

Morning! (Or afternoon, or in fact, evening ~ depending onwhere you are!) I’m Sophie from the Rock Star Romance Trilogy. You’ve probablymet me on this fabulous blog before, when Kim introduced Sophie’s Turn last year. I’m back! And in more ways than one…

My author, Nicky Wells, and I, we’re on tour at the momentlaunching book 2, Sophie’s Run. Kim has very kindly posted the cover (isn’t itgorgeous? Sapphire Star did a great job!) and blurb and her review above. So while we’re on this blog tour, I’m talkingquite a bit about food. Nicky’s made me cook nearly all the dishes featured inthe books. Man, I’m exhausted!

So today, I thought I’d show you where all this cookinghappens. What do you reckon ~ fancy a rummage round my kitchen? You must excusethe state of my cupboards though, I didn’t get a chance to tidy or stock up. LOL! Without further ado…won’t you come and join me in my kitchen?

Ta-da! This is it. Mylair, my sanctum, my kitchen.

I’m just going tostart at one end and open cupboards, ok. So here goes… spices first. I rememberbeing a student; I counted myself lucky to have salt and pepper. These days, Ihave pretty much everything my supermarket has to offer, by way of spices. I cancook Italian, Indian, Thai or Chinese at the drop of a hat, no problem. (Well,at least it’s not a problem on the spice front; the actual cooking might be adifferent matter!)


Moving round thekitchen, this is my ‘oils, stocks, flour and sugar’ cupboard. Riveting stuff,huh? Can I just say I’m very particular about my olive oil? It may be asupermarket own brand, but it has to be, always, Extra Virgin First Cold Pressing. Oh yeah.


My baking cupboard. Ireally ought to do something about spacing out those shelves better, right?


My stock cupboard.You know, pasta, rice, tins, that kind of thing. It’s not terribly well stockedbut I am waiting for a supermarketdelivery. Can you spot my favourite staple? (And no, it’s not pasta) :-)


What’s with all theplastic bags, you wonder? I know, it’s a bit weird, but these pasta packets(and rice, for that matter), they always split on me. So I put them into foodstorage bags. I should get plastic containers really. It’s on my to-do list,honest!

Moving on swiftly…where shall we go next? Oh yes. Pots and pans. *Belly laughs* What was Ithinking? You don’t want to see my pots and pans. Scroll down, quick!


Now this probablylooks weird but it’s my drinks fridge. It’s not very well stocked either asthere’s no party planned right at this point, and all the launch bubbly hasbeen consumed. A drinks fridge, Ihear you guffaw? I know, I know. It wasn’t my idea, Dan made me have one. Hecomes and stocks it periodically.


Speaking of drinks…You know I run on tea and coffee, right? Well, here’s my eclectic collection ofmugs…


…and the mostimportant cupboard of all, the tea-and-coffee-cupboard. In fact, I must go andmake a cuppa now.


*waves* Ah, that’sbetter. Well, thank you for coming. Hope you enjoyed mooching round my littlekitchen, LOL. I would love to hear from you about your favourite cupboard andyour favourite staples… in your own kitchen!:-)


But wait, wait, wait,before you go! Don’t miss out on this fabulous give-away to celebrate thelaunch of Sophie’s Run!!


Sophie’s Run GIVEAWAYS

1) Standard Giveaway

Nicky Wells is giving awayone delicious chocolate gift to a lucky winner in the UK or North America!
The small print: This Gift prize is a product of Unique Chocolate. The Gift prize is subject to availability in yourcountry. If the Gift prize is not available in your country, Nicky Wellsreserves the right to offer a substitute gift prize of a similar nature at herdiscretion. Nicky Wells will require the winner’s postal address for shippingpurposes.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


2. Bonus Giveaway

Nicky Wells offers a giveaway of one Amazon gift voucher worth $20/£15for one lucky winner. To enter, simply share your thoughts on Sophie’s Run with Nicky. Email yourcomment to nickywells@sapphirestarpublishing.comand your name will be entered into the draw. Competition closes 1 May 2013.

GOOD LUCK AND ROCK ON!And a huge Thank You to the fabulous Kim Nash for hosting me here today. Youare a star!!

About Nicky Wells: Romance that Rocks Your World!

RockOn! Nicky Wells writes funand glamorous contemporary romance featuring a rock star and the girl nextdoor.  A signed author with U.S.publisher, SapphireStar Publishing,Nicky is in the throes of publishing her Rock Star Romance Trilogy. Nicky lovesrock music, dancing, and eating lobsters. When she’s not writing, Nicky is a wife, mother, and occasional teachingassistant.

Originally born in Germany, Nicky moved tothe United Kingdom in 1993, and currently lives in Lincoln with her husband andtheir two boys. In a previous professional life, Nicky worked as a researcherand project manager for an international Human Resources research firm based inLondon and Washington, D.C.

Visit Nicky on her blog where you can find articles, interviews, radiointerviews and, of course, an ongoing update on her work in progress. You canalso follow Nicky on Twitter andfind her on Facebook.Nicky is a featured author on the innovative reader/author project, and has joined the Romantic Novelists’ Association. Nicky also has author pages at Sapphire Star Publishing, Amazon and, of course, Goodreads.


Wow, awesome! Let's hear it for Sophie's Run and we want to know... what's in YOUR kitchen?



Nicky Wells said...

Whoop! Thanks for hosting Sophie and me today, Kim, it's such an honour to be here. I hope your readers like looking at Sophie's kitchen, LOL!

Thanks also for your fabulous review of Sophie's Run, I am SO glad you enjoyed this sequel. Yay!

Here's wishing good luck to all giveaway entrants, don't be shy and grab your chance at getting some fabulous chocolate and/or that Amazon voucher. Rock on! X

Mandy said...

Another fantastic review for this book and I'm not surprised! Glad to see there is wine in Sophie's fridge!

Mandy x

Linn B Halton and Lucy Coleman said...

Well, I'm off to sort out my cupboards now - not sure mine are as tidy ha! ha! Fab review Kim and Nicky Wells is one amazing author. She is a real rock chick!

Janice said...

That has to be the most clean and tidy kitchen in the world. I'm off to arrange my spice rack right now!

Congrats on the new book and your fab review Nicky. Rock on, Kim!

Janice xx

Unknown said...

Aha, we have a drinks fridge too. We refer to is as our wine cellar! Smashing review and looking forward to reading Nicky's book. Thanks, ladies. :)

Nicky Wells said...

Hey, ladies, thanks for visiting! Mandy ~ well, with a rock star behind her, how could there not be wine in her fridge, even just one bottle? Although I have a feeling she's more excited about the big brown bottle at the moment...

Linn, thanks so much for your kind words! I'm sure your kitchen cupboards are perfectly tidy, LOL!

Janice ~ I wish I had a spice rack! This is only a shelf and I have to dig right through to the back to get to anything. Thanks so much for visiting!

Kit ~ Dan is working on the wine cellar for Sophie! She hasn't really got the space in her current house but that... might just change. #Book3??? Thanks for commenting today, I love it! X

Anonymous said...

Great review Kim and wonderful post Nicky!

Sheryl Browne said...

Confession: I only tidy my cupboards at Christmas - and only then so I can actually fit something in them (when the tins are out-of-date, you know don't fall into the houseproud category!). I also have a drinks fridge - and a wine rack. Guess which is my fave item? :)

Another FAB review, Nicky! Well done you - and thanks for sharing, Kim! Oh, and yes, the cover is very, very pretty, like temptingly gorgeous chocolate (I have it in the flesh). :) xx

Unknown said...

good work xx

Nicky Wells said...

Thanks for stopping by, Steph! XX Sheryl ~ my bet is on the wine rack!! Kim ~ thanks so much for visiting and commenting, nice to see you here! XX

lozzle said...

wow fab kitchen we started ours 2 years ago and still not finished

Shalini Boland said...

Ooh, it's always nice to have a nose around other people's kitchens. Great review Kim and Nicky :)

Unknown said...

Hmmmm. Tidier than my kitchen. Lovely review Kim

Emma Calin said...

Wow - what a tidy kitchen! My worktops are always full of clutter - mind you, my whole house is that way so no surprises there. Great review for a great book. x

Nicky Wells said...

Hi Laura ~ thanks for visiting and good luck with your kitchen, you'll get there! Rock on!

Shalini ~ I know, I figured people would like snooping around my cupboards, haw haw! Thanks for visiting.

Harvey ~ I bet your kitchen is perfectly regimented!

Emma ~ Thanks so much for your lovely comment, it's great to see you here! XX

Melanie said...

My cupboards have never been so organized. I'm thrilled to have a proper pots and pans drawer unit in my new cabinets... still my cookware isn't so neatly spaced out.