
Sunday 8 April 2012

Review - Star Fish by Nicola May

I was first introduced to Nicola May when I reviewed Working It Out back in the summer of last year. My review can be found by clicking here. You will see from my review that it was a book I was particularly fond of so I was really looking forward to reading Star Fish.

Piscean Amy is sick of waiting for Mr Right to find her so she makes a decision to join Starr & Sons, a dating agency, and to date one person from each sign of the zodiac to check out their compatibility and see whether this unconventional way will lead to the love of her life. This has the most hilarious consequences as she goes on many dating adventures, some exciting, some quite steamy and some just downright disastrous.   The book follows her life and that of her friends through the traumas of trials that they experience in their everyday lives.

Nicola May is one of the funniest authors I've ever been fortunate enough to read and I am so glad that I have discovered her and hope that the whole world can discover her too!  This book is full of lots of belly laughs as we join Amy in her courting escapades on some of the most unfortunate dates you could ever wish to go on.

At one point, I got the giggles really bad and had to explain to my partner why I couldn't stop laughing! I'm sure that Nicola has exactly the same sense of humour as me! Her writing makes it so easy to turn the pages and want to keep on reading to find out more. The fabulously colourful characters become your friends and you easily become involved with the story.

A thoroughly entertaining, hilarous and most enjoyable read. 

Nicola May lives in Berkshire. Her hobbies include watching films that involve a lot of swooning, crabbing in South Devon, eating flapjacks and enjoying a flutter on the horses. Inspired by her favourite authors Milly Johnson and Carole Matthews.

Nicola's website is

You can like Nicola's Facebook Page by clicking here

You can follow Nicola on Twitter by clicking here

You can buy Star Fish on Amazon by clicking here.


  1. Just wanted to acknowledge how much I'm enjoying this show as a podcast and how great this episode was in particular. Thanks!

  2. date one person from each sign of the zodiac to check out their compatibility and see whether this unconventional way will lead to the love of her life


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