
Friday 25 October 2013

Opportunities to work with Kim The Bookworm

I would like say a massive thank you to the fabulous Sue Watson, author of debut novel Fat Girls & Fairy Cakes and her latest novel Younger, Thinner, Blonder.  Sue has taken on the first advertising slot on my little old blog.
This is what Sue said when I approached her about advertising on my blog.
"A reasonably priced advertising slot on a book blog which is well-read, well-respected and interesting is a great opportunity. I’ve known Kim for a couple of years now and we’ve met in real-life as well as chatted online and it’s clear she has a passion for all things books. She dedicates a great deal of her spare time to reviewing and blogging about books and as a result has built up a large following.

“One of the things that us authors tend to forget sometimes is that book bloggers do what they do for free! They give up their spare time, which can be limited when they have full time jobs and families to help authors and publishers to promote their books.

“I’m grateful that as part of the advertising offer, Kim will also be promoting my books on Facebook and Twitter throughout the month. This is great, as I don’t always have the time to do this and it’s great to know if I’m busy writing, someone else is putting a message out into the world about my books. A great word of mouth recommendation is worth its weight in gold.

“I’m really looking forward to working closely with Kim on many other fabulous ideas that we have brainstormed between us. The publishing world is changing rapidly and as an author I am only too aware of this. Kim’s PR experience, insight and social network connections as a reviewer are invaluable to authors, both self and traditionally published because being an author is not just about ‘writing the book’ anymore.

It’s great to have a one-stop-shop to go to who can help to arrange competitions, publicity shoots, blog tours, books signings, talks, promotional material and PR and someone who is as enthusiastic, knowledgeable and fanatical about books as she is!

“Thanks Kim for giving me this opportunity.”

If you would like to advertise your book on Kim The Bookworm, please email me at

Prices start at £20 per month. Payment can be made through Paypal.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I emailed you re advertising on your blog but haven't had a reply. I'm very keen to do so and would like to hear from you.
    Many thanks


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Kim x