
Tuesday 18 December 2012

Cover reveal - Never Alone by Linn B Halton

Today I'd like to welcome a very good friend of mine - the very lovely Linn B Halton.  I'm not going to hang around but hand you straight over to Linn who is going to tell you what she's up to while I carry on reading this fabulous book which I just cannot put down!

Thanks Kim.  I'm doing a fab splash around some wonderful blogs and websites to celebrate a brand new shiny cover, hot off the press. This story is full of heart and a young woman, Holly Atherton, who doesn't want to say 'yes' to having that wedding ring placed on her finger. Even though Will is the love of her life and absolutely gorgeous!
Never Alone is being released in January 2013 and it's a story of true love, but as we all know the path is never easy. Keep reading to find out how you can win an advance copy to be sent out in December 2012.
Before I tell you all about Holly's story I wanted to ask my host, the original Bookworm and STAFFORD FM Book Club reviewer, Kim Nash, what top tip she has for keeping a partner happy. Of course, I couldn't ask that question if I wasn't prepared to spill the beans myself....
Set aside 'together' time, whether that's an evening out or a short-break away, as long as it's romantic! Think of it as a date, or if you are going away together re-kindling your 'affair'. Don't let life get in the way!
So Kim, what's your little secret? (Just to let you know she laughed out aloud!)
I'm going to have to think seriously about that one and get back to you! In the meantime .... always let them think they're the boss even if they're not !
Lol - many a true word been spoken in jest as they say!  Wish I'd thought of that one Kim!!

No seriously Linn, I think you are spot on with your advice. You have to make the effort to spend quality time together and not leave yourselves to the bottom of the pile which is so easy to do when a family comes along with all of their needs and demands. 
So what's going wrong with Holly's relationship?
Holly Atherton has a seemingly perfect life, until suddenly it all beings to unravel. She has spent her life living up to other people's expectations of her, trying to please them.
She has it all - the affluent family who dote on her, a job she loves in her father's business, and the perfect boyfriend.
Will is a successful entrepreneur and they are about to start enjoying a lifestyle many can only dream about. His latest business deal will see them with homes in the UK and Los Angeles.
But what if you wake up one morning and find yourself wondering whether the path you are on is the one you are supposed to be taking? Is she too caught up in pleasing her parents and Will to take her future into her own hands?
When Holly's psychic sensitivity begins to surface she doesn't know how to handle it. Vivid dreams seem too real to ignore and she finds herself 'talking' to Nick, the recently deceased brother of her best friend, Celia.
Just having someone to whom she can offload what she's feeling helps and she feels happier moving forward with Will into their exciting new future and all seems well... the rest is coming soon!

TAKE PART - Thank you for helping me to celebrate this cover reveal. Simply leave your TOP TIP for keeping your man happy and 6 names will be randomly selected from the blogs taking part to receive an advance ecopy of Never Alone in December 2012.

Festive wishes to everyone! Linn

To find out more about author Linn B Halton:
Website A author Signed by:
Twitter: @LinnBHalton
Facebook: Linn B Halton
Romantic Novelists' Association page (buy)         (buy)



  1. Well... I've just finished another of the talented Linn B Halton's books! I shall be posting a review! Not as professional as yours, Kim, but, in short - I LOVED it! Don't you just love Linn's covers, too? :) xx

  2. Beautiful covers for beautiful books.

  3. Ah, thank you lovely ladies! Kim - you are a tonic, thank you so much for being a part of the cover reveal and for your support! Totally agree with you Sheryl - we might be writers but when it comes to reviewing it's a whole different ball game! I take my hat off to you Kim - you always get to the heart of a story. Lxxx

  4. Pay attention to your man, verbally and nonverbally. Touch, smile, care. Works for me :)

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Kim x